Pradeep K. Pant Blog

Summary of the month: September 2020

Time Series Data Analysis: Headlines: IIITA

Online conference in Data Science: ACM & IITM

Why I am doing Ph.D.

C and Modern C whats new

Debugging diaries - C/C++ code

Books recommendation series: Hands-On ML

Debugging diaries - Perl code

Future of how we will be learning: Good insights from a teacher & leader: Dr. Anant Agarwal, MIT

Python Julia Interop: future

Why am learning Julia, the Programming language

Software Engineer or Data Scientist: thoughts

Image classification of Flowers in Machine Learning: Challenges and developments

Quantum computing: Present and future: Thoughts

Books recommendation series: Prana and Pranayama

Books recommendation series: The Tech Whisperer

Prof. Feynman My fav teacher

Tips to learn Machine Learning

Check Running Time of the Perl Code

JavaScript DOM content load check





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