Pradeep K. Pant Blog

SpaceVim review

Perl 6 Book

git quick tip – branching and merging

grep and map-Two magical operators

Deep learning specialization notes

Data Structures and Algorithms in Python – Graphs

Data Structures and Algorithms in Python Sorting

Data Structures and Algorithms in Python Recursion

Implemeting Data Structures and Algorithms in Python: Problems and solutions Contd..

Implemeting Data Structures and Algorithms in Python: Problems and solutions

Choropleth Maps in Python

Notes MI Class Standford

Developing data products course project

Interesting Machine learning algorithms in R

JHU Data Science Specialization Capstone

Stanford Machine learning class slides

Getting and cleaning data using R programming project notes

Accessing Github API with OAuth example using R

Creating recurring date patterns using Perl

apache lucy search examples





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