Pradeep K. Pant Blog

Prognostic Analytics for Predictive Maintenance, a case study

Debugging a crucial skill but very rarely taught

Outliers with Pankaj Mishra: podcast on entrepreneurship

MOOCs alert: Practical Machine Learning with Tensorflow at NPTEL

Date print formats Perl Date::Manip

Chandrayan-2 maneuvering

Books recommendation series: Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of less

git push up to a certain commit

Algorithms performance: big O notation: simplified short notes

Podcast recommendation: Data, AI, ML & Software Engineering

Python learning: scrapbook

Microsoft Visio and infamous Windings font

IE11 issue with arrow and includes JavaScript method and an alternate solution

Perl development journey and books collection

New coder and Experienced coders

Books recommendation series: Predictive analytics

date sorting in datatables using moment js

git amend scenerios

jQuery accordion with fontawsome icons

Books recommendation series: Elements of statistical learning





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