Summary of the month: September 2020
So, we are already at the end of the month, as usual, I couldn’t write many posts despite multiple posts lying in the draft folder to be published. It was such a busy month, here are a few things which I was doing and hopefully will continue in next month.
Working on Elastic Search - ELK stack on Cent OS, excellent combo, they have made a great ecosystem with a Lucence-based index engine.
A bit of play with RedHat Ansible Platform – Very promising
Checking out Modern Perl frameworks like Dancer2, Mojolious, and Catalyst, are they useful or just overhead for bigger projects? and how they deal with legacy migration?
Checking out new programming lang Raku (Perl 6 -> Raku), progress, future?
Learning more on Probabilistic Graphical models
Learned about a joint probability distribution, Conditional Probability Distribution
Learning how to use LaTeX
Learned about database attacks like SQL injection. Learned about Merkel Trees and have implemented techniques to avoid these attacks
Learned about database watermarking techniques
Learning about Restricted Boltzman Machines, an artificial neural network which can learn a probability distribution over its set of inputs.
Learned how to use Chow-Liu tree in joint probability distribution
I will put detailed post on some of these topics.
Happy end of the month.