Pradeep K. Pant Blog


Ooty Ultra 2022 Run diary

Location: Ooty, Nilgiris, India

Elevation: approx 2100 mt - 2700 mt : elevation gain ~ 1000 mt

Distance: 30KM [Strava] [Certificate]

Date: 3rd April 2022

Ooty Ultra 2022 was my first ultra run experience, though by distance it was less than a full marathon but the level of difficulty and elevation was intense. To prepare for it I just followed my daily workout i.e. mix of cycling and running and strength workouts.

Event- A very well organized event- lots of hydration points, first aid kiosks etc. Kudos to Coach Kay and his team for all the arrangements. Course was fully road track with excellent views. Second part of the course was more dificult because of sun. Overall a good run, we all were able to finish well within given time. Took loads of pictures :-)

Here are some pics from our trip ( I, Suresh and Mey):

Our road trip route:

Start trip full tank: The Breakfast

On the way to Ooty Bandipur Wildlife Sanctuary

And the gigantic ones

Fitness Mantra: Eat before sun down :-)

Route map of run and elevation profile

Variety, quality and taste- Shopping and binging: Loved it

Runner promoting his book

Performance by tribal community at bib expo – Respect

Laid back evening in Ooty. with rounds of Nilgiris tea with our Bengaluru Run addicts friends Sri and Subbu

Dinner time: Basic and super tasty veg Korama and rice

All set for the morning

Mey getting nostalgic :-)

On the mark, get set. GO…. Bengaluru Run addicts runners

Bare-foot runners– bow down to your grit

Top of the world - At the one of the highest peak of Nilgiris - Doddabetta

Sun & elevation- when going get tough..

Here comes the leader

Majestic blue mountains Nilgiris

Say hello to my new friends



The tough gets going

My minimalitic companion: Vibram FiveFingers shoes

Yes we did it!

Medal by Race Director Coach Kay

Earned it

The tank refilled at Junior Kuppana before we say goodbye to Ooty

Our champ doesnt want to go back:-)

This was a brief of our Ooty trip ultra run. I hope to revisit in 2023.

Feel free to write in at or comment here in case you wish to share your own experiences or need more info or advice.

Happy to help!




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