Pradeep K. Pant Blog


Summary of the month: December 2021

So, we are already at the end of the month, I couldn’t write many posts despite multiple posts lying in the draft folder to be fine-tuned and published. The current month was very busy, the later half mostly into log4j understanding and fixing. Apart from the office work here are a few things which I was doing and hopefully will continue in next month.

PS: Just for people who are not following the log4j bug, it’s a critical vulnerability in the widely used open-source Java logging library called log4j, this lib is almost used by Java applications directly/indirectly. This bug was introduced somewhere in 2013 when developers added JNDI calls feature in log4j, it allows the addition of outside objects into JVM which can give full control of the application to hackers. Because of such severity, this issue is giving sleepless nights to the ICT of most of the big/small companies.

To know in detail about this issue you may check out the below video.

Happy New Year 2022




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