Data Serialization in Perl examples
One can store data and objects into a file using Serialization. The bytes that is generated can then be re-used to generate an object that will be identical (a clone) to the stored object. We can achieve this by using Storable module from CPAN. The example below will show a way to store and retrieve such objects.
use 5.006; use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; use Storable;
my %hash1 = (‘Test1’ => ‘10’, ‘Test2’ => ‘20’);
store %hash1, “serialized_file”; print “##### HASH1 #####n”; print Dumper(%hash1);
my %hash2 = %{retrieve “serialized_file”}; print “n##### HASH2 #####n”; print Dumper(%hash2);
exit 0; </pre>
##### HASH1 ##### $VAR1 = { 'Test2' => '20', 'Test1' => '10' };
##### HASH2 ##### $VAR1 = { ’Test2’ => ‘20’, ’Test1’ => ‘10’ }; For more info see perldoc Storable</pre>