Perl development journey and books collection
While doing routine cleaning of my personal library I was surprised to see the Perl book collection I have made over the period of time. My Perl dev journey started in a full-fledged manner way back in fall 2007. Prior to that was mainly developing using C, C++, assembly language. My first impression with Perl was not very exciting mainly due to ugly syntax and the way the OO is achieved and being from C++ background initially it was really difficult to grasp. But over the years working with language and while developing a large scale web application I learned a lot of nitty-gritty of the language and still learning… Today I can vouch for Perl for its speed, portability, great module system CPAN and excellent dedicated community. Thanks to all the module authors and contributors on Perl Monks and StackOverflow. You guys are amazing!
Now, the books which helped me immensely to wrote better Perl programs.
Programming Perl -
Learning Perl -
Mastering Perl -
Perl Best Practices -
Perl Cookbook -
Perl & LWP -
Perl Template Toolkit -
CGI Programming -
Perl Regular Expressions -
Pro Perl -
Perl Books Collection